• Portuguese Translation of Facing Danger, Anna Hampton

  • National Leadership Development Project – Pakistan

  • Supported Chinese Perspectives leadership gathering

  • Sponsored 15 Brazilian scholarships for local seminary

  • Supported SE Asian refugee work among Muslims

  • Portuguese Translation of textbook on understanding the Islamic worldview


  • First African Regional gathering in Nigeria – aiming for July 2020.  Four trainers and 40 participants to develop Perspectives on African continent

  • Funding provided for development, training and equipping Brazilian workers through seminary training and translation of materials.

  • Development of member care website for national Chinese workers: initial website design and initial project manager

  • Outreach to Syrian refugees located in the Bekka Valley, Lebanon…funding toward Hope Community Center

  • Silk Road Women’s Conference: Over 100 women from Central Asia, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkey.   Women from very difficult situations involving persecution.


  • Farsi translation of The Ascent of a Leader , Thrall, McNicol, McElrath.

  • Three GenTalk videos based on content from The Ascent of a Leader.  Purpose: To train, equip and empower the rise of national leaders from shame based cultures.  To encourage leaders to have integrity and to be aware that their capacity for ministry can outstrip their character.

  • Prayer gathering and retreat for underground Middle East network of leaders.

  • Crisis response needs for the Middle East.

  • Resource development for the Middle East.

  • Funding provided to support BAM work located in East Asia.


  • Fact Ministries (Seeking Him Farsi translation)

  • Philippine SB Clearing, national training

  • Bengali media/video production

  • French and Chile translation for mobilization development

  • Central Asia national leadership development

  • Support Pakistani national leader for church planting development


  • Provide a gathering of national believers (see below 2014) to be equipped and refreshed.

  • Facilitate the translation of some key training material that will enable the mobilization of national believers to reach significant unevangelized populations.

  • Train lay volunteer facilitators to lead, teach and disciple others in the area of relationships, identity and sexuality.



  • Various Global south partners to be refreshed and equipped in the area of discipleship and spiritual renewal. Leaders from various places around the world gathered in an undisclosed location for this retreat.



  • Actively involved in helping in the Persian Speaking World. Due to security reasons, we are not able to post or list which projects we were involved in. However, if you would like more information, please send us an email and someone will contact you.